In order to comply with the duty of information, contained in Article 10 of Law 34/2002 of July 11, Services Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), below are reflected the following data...
The company that owns this web domain is Paripepop S.C. The tax domicile and for these purposes is at Calle Jaca, 1, 2ªA. 15703 - Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña). C.I.F.: J70415963.
The website is com and for any query or contact with the company, users can communicate through the following telephone numbers + (34) 981 935 152 / 698 129 607 or email address
This legal information is completed in the Privacy Policy and Data Protection.
We inform users of this website of compliance with Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD) and Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December, which approves the Regulation implementing the LOPD (RDLOPD).
At Quenindiola we take care to guarantee the correct use and processing of users' personal data.
Paripepop S.C., located in Calle Jaca, 1, 2A, 15703, Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña) is responsible for the file and guarantees the confidentiality of personal data provided by our users, and its treatment according to current legislation.
If the user, after reading this document, continues to use the services, will be expressing its acceptance of this privacy policy and treatment of their personal data. Otherwise, the user will have to leave this website.
In order for Quenindiola to guarantee the performance and monitoring of purchases or other customer services, it is essential that the user fills in the appropriate forms with their personal data correctly filled in.
Quenindiola undertakes to respect the confidentiality of all personal information and to guarantee the exercise of rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, by letter addressed to the above address, or by sending an email to indicating "RDPD Tienda Online". In both cases, providing a photocopy of the national identity document, passport or other valid document that identifies you.
The user who accesses the Quenindiola website is not obliged to provide personal data. The communication of these data is due to the fact that the user has voluntarily decided to provide them in order to be able to enjoy a personalised navigation or use of the services offered therein.
Quenindiola gives users of this website the possibility to register and create a personal account, with their data correctly filled in and a password in order to access restricted areas that require prior identification. This offers the possibility of having a more personalized service, as well as avoiding the completion of such data on subsequent occasions. When data is collected, the voluntary or obligatory nature of the data will be indicated.
In the event that the user of this website is a minor or incapable, Quenindiola warns that it is necessary to have the consent of their parents, guardians or legal representatives to communicate their personal data to this website.
With the express consent of the user, and insofar as it does not disallow it, the data will also be used to send you information about offers and services that we consider to be of interest to you.
At any time the user can modify the data of your customer registration (change of address, phone, email ...), or ask us to remind you of your password if you have forgotten.
We also inform you that in accordance with Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data, and other current legislation on data protection, the personal data reflected in this form will be incorporated into a database owned by Paripepop S.C.
The purpose of this database is to regularize the timely requests for information, suggestions and complaints from our customers, for management and resolution. Among the purposes of these data are: to comply with fiscal and accounting obligations; to carry out the necessary commercial procedures to guarantee and improve customer service; to optimise programmes, managers, applications and computer equipment for the correct functioning of the provision of services; as well as to achieve maximum efficiency in the delivery of our products by means of transport companies.
In the event of having requested the sending of commercial messages or electronic format alerts, QUENINDIOLA informs users that they may unsubscribe from this type of communication at any time by notifying